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Weed and Feed
Arizona Herb Association members spend the first Saturday morning of each month caring for the herb demonstration garden which is located on the grounds of The University of Arizona Maricopa County Extension offices, 4341 E. Broadway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85040 and is open to the public.
Instruction begins at 7am or 8am depending on the season (see our calendar for more information). Volunteers are asked to arrive on time, but may leave at their convenience. Those staying to the end (usually around noon) are invited to bring food to share while socializing. Many times, volunteers have the opportunity to bring home cuttings to plant in their own gardens.
Some tools are provided, but volunteers may bring their own. Hats and sunscreen are strongly encouraged. Restrooms and water fountains are available.
Culinary Events
Each month a member will host a potluck dinner with a theme at their home. The host determines the date and the theme and each attendee brings a dish to share which fits that theme. This is a great social time and a favorite event for many of our members.
Past themes have included: Citrus, Celebration Foods, Foods Featured in Songs, Roots, and All Vegetarian.
Field Trips
The Arizona Herb Association organizes various group outings to public gardens, farms, festivals and tours. These have included: The Arizona Worm Farm, Lavender Festival, Boyce Thompson Arboretum, and the Riparian Preserve.
Approximately once a month the Arizona Herb Association will organize a hands-on educational herbal workshop during which participants will learn to use herbs in new ways. Topics have included culinary, natural body care, green living, and aromatherapy.
Arizona Herb Association participates in many valleywide festivals by setting up and staffing an information booth, which may include selling seeds, books, and plants
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AHA Events open to the general public. Members log in to see members-only events.